Spray Can Arts, a Liège association specialising in street art, was asked to run a workshop on the European launchers – Ariane and Vega – at the Athénée Léonie de Waha.
The workshop took place in two parts, on 13 and 20 December 2023, with two different groups of participants (total : 48 students).
The first part was dedicated to an introduction to spray painting. Participants learned the basics of the technique, including choosing the right colours, applying the right pressure and handling the equipment.
They then created a 6-metre-long painting of an Ariane launcher.
Credit : Athenée Léonie de Waha
The second part was dedicated to creating a coat of arms or a logo. Participants were able to give free rein to their imagination and create a symbol that represented their vision of space and space exploration.
credit : Spray Can Arts
The first group (13/12) designed an Ariane 6 launcher, while the second group (20/12) designed a Vega C. The coats of arms and logos created by the participants were glued onto the launchers.
credit : Spray Can Arts
The first group (13/12) designed an Ariane 6 launcher, while the second group (20/12) designed a Vega C. The coats of arms and logos created by the participants were glued onto the launchers.
credit : Spray Can Arts
The launchers designed by the participants, as well as the CVA exhibition, will be exhibited at La Galerie Centrale, home to Spray Can Arts.
CVA Space Day in Liège … to be continued !