community of ariane cities

About the CVA

Founded in 1998 as a non-profit association, the Community of Ariane Cities (CVA) brings together European cities – referred to as Ariane Cities – and partner industrial firms working in European space transportation.

The CVA enables them to strengthen their cooperation, keep elected representatives and citizens informed about space activities in Europe and help train future space sector professionals.

our missions

To bring together European players working in the field of European space transport and enable them to establish cooperation

Keep citizens and elected representatives informed about Europe’s space activities and the excellence of its know-how in this field

Promoting the Guyannais Space Centre, Europe’s spaceport and communicating the vital importance of independent European access to space

Support for the training of professionals in the space sector of tomorrow


The CVA in figures

Ariane Cities

Industrials firms

Space agencies

Creation date

Launch sponsored

Years of presidencies

CVA Alumnis

